Thursday, March 26, 2015



Its Nortenos all over Homeboy. Bein a Norteno has nothing to do with race. I got over 20yrs bangin' Norte with 13 yrs of it behind enemy lines, CDC. I'm a validated Nuestra Raza Gang member. Im also Black! So for the homeboy from Texas, dont spread racial hate bro. Thats not what we bout! Nortenos got Puerto Ricans, Blacks, Whites, Islanders ect...we move in unity as one to defend against those who oppose our  unity, threaten our well being & create stumbling blocks in our pursuit for social equality, unity & betterment as a strong united front. Red ain't even our color bro. We adopted it to depict us from them but It's nevet been about colors, race or being from the north. Our forefathers were actually mostly from bakersfeild & tulare yet those who opposed us were mainly from LA, there for it was deemed North vs South, but we are against anyone who oppresses,bullys or abuses their power. The EME started out with the same principle, yet total power currupts totally, Eme members began to hurt their own raza, mainly farmers from Salas got the brunt of the abuse bcuz Eme members began set trippin' & smashin' cats they knew couldn't defend themselves due to low numbers or lack of aggression, either way Eme started out as a protection blanket for the raza but ended up the abuser, hence "NF" was established. Most Nortenos are of latin descent, but not all Nortenos are latin. There's levels bro..with each step up more levels get revealed but so does your responsibilty then responsibility becomes obligation. NF won't ever let a King say King14, not because we funkin' but because trust isn't one of our strong points. We would, however, become allies with them & any other group segment that would help us reach OUR set goals, utillization! Kings been around since Montezuma established Mexico City so we off top know, acknowlegde & respect game. We leave them alone and they leave us alone. Respect. If an alliance were to ever be established respect needs to come first. Until that day security measures are in play & they will be monitored for any sign of threat or obstacle. You all know what we do with obstacles? We remove them. We dont mean mug, thro signs or act like hollywood or bet videos. We professional, we grown men & we demand respect. Therefore, we give it. We are not rascist like EME, we don't conduct ourselves like kids & NO homo activity. Eme members actually produce and sell gay porn they themselves act in, or  they take a weaker SS gang and tax 'em. Its either do gay porn or ya family dies. Yah man, they like that in the Pen too. If a Eme tell u pay rent and u got no funds, how u think u gonna pay? Or your sister or mom on the street gonna be whoring. NF was established to fight this abuse. Which is why we dont abuse our power or authority. We seek those who are victims & protect them. We're Soldiers, not gangsters. This is a movement, an organization & will NEVER bow to anyone refusing us equal justice or social equality! Chuuuch!

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